Rapier (missile)


Swiss Rapier installation,
generator in the background
Type Surface-to-air missile
Place of origin United Kingdom
Service history
In service 1971–present
Used by See operators
Production history
Designer British Aircraft Corporation
Designed 1963
Manufacturer British Aircraft Corporation (1963-1977)
BAe Dynamics (1977-1999)
MBDA (UK) Ltd (since 1999)
Produced 1969
Number built ~25,000 missiles, 600 launchers and 350 radars
Variants Mk1 ("Hittile"), Mk2B (Missile)
Weight 45 kg
Length 2.235
Diameter 0.133 m

Warhead Fragmentation explosive close proximity warhead
Proximity triggered chemical fuse

Engine solid fuel rocket
Wingspan 0.138
400 - 6,800 m
Flight ceiling 3,000 m
Speed Mach 2.5
control surface
vehicle or trailer

Rapier is a British surface-to-air missile developed for the British Army and Royal Air Force. Entering service in 1971, it eventually replaced all other anti-aircraft weapons in Army service; guns for low-altitude targets, and the English Electric Thunderbird[1], used against longer-range and higher-altitude targets. As the expected air threat moved from medium-altitude strategic missions to low-altitude strikes, the fast reaction time and high maneuverability of the Rapier made it more formidable than either of these weapons, replacing most of them by 1977. It remains the UK's primary air-defence weapon after almost 35 years of service, and is expected to serve until 2020.



Rapier began development in 1961 as a private venture at British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) known as "Sightline".[2] The project was to combat supersonic, low level, high manoeuvrability craft, eschewing any attempt at automated guidance in favor of a purely optical system. The optical system ensured high accuracy, so it was developed with the intent of directly hitting its target, reducing the size of the warhead required to guarantee a kill, and eliminating the need for a proximity fuse. BAC joked that the system was a "hit-ile", as opposed to a "miss-ile".

At the time the British Army was planning on purchasing the advanced American MIM-46 Mauler system for its air-defence needs. When Mauler ran into problems in 1963, the Ministry of Defence issued requirement ET.316 and started funding Sightline as a backup in case Mauler did not deliver. That eventuality came to pass, and ET.316 was completely developed as "Rapier", with the first test firings of the missile taking place in 1966.[2] Complete systems were tested in 1968, which led to a production contract issued in 1969. The system entered service in 1971 with the British Army, and 1974 with the Royal Air Force Regiment.


The original Rapier took the form of a wheeled launcher with four missiles, an optical tracker unit, a generator and trailer of stores — the whole system along with crew delivered by two Land Rovers designated as the Fire Unit Truck (FUT) and the Detachment Support Vehicle (DSV). The launcher consists of a large cylindrical unit carrying two missiles on each side, the surveillance radar dish and "Identification friend or foe" (IFF) system under a radome on top, the guidance computer and radar transmitter and receiver electronics at the bottom, and a prominent parabolic antenna for sending guidance commands to the missiles on the front.

The search radar was of the pulsed Doppler type with a range of about 15 km. The aerial, located at the top of the launcher, rotated about once a second, looking for moving targets that are "visible" due to their doppler shift. When one was located, a lamp would light up on the Selector Engagement Zone (SEZ), a box containing 32 orange lamps arranged in a circle about the size of an automobile steering wheel. The radar operator could also blank out returns from other directions, providing jamming resistance.

The optical tracker unit is made up of a stationary lower section and a rotating upper section. The lower section houses the operator controls, while the upper section houses the tracking optics. The operator's optical system is a modified telescope containing a Dove prism to prevent the image 'toppling' as the optics rotate in azimuth. This system means that, unlike a periscope, the operator does not have to move in order to track the target. The upper section also contains a separate missile tracking system that is slaved to the operator's optics, based on a television camera optimized for the IR band.

Upon detection, the optical tracking system would then be slewed to target azimuth and the operator would then search for the target in elevation. The operator's field of view would depend on the target range, "wide" at about 20 degrees or "track" at about 4.8 degrees. When the target was found the operator switches to "track" and uses a joystick to keep the target centred in the telescope. Once a steady track was establish the missile was fired. The TV camera on the tracker was tuned to track the four flares on the missile's tail. Like the operator's telescope, the TV system had two views, one about 11 degrees wide for the initial "capture", and another at 0.55 degrees for tracking.

The difference between the line-of-sight of the operator's telescope and the missile's flare was calculated by the computer in the base of the launcher, and guidance updates sent to the missile over the guidance link, received on small antennas on the rear of the mid-body fins. The operator simply kept the telescope's crosshairs on the target using the joystick, and the missile would automatically fly into the line-of-sight, a system of operation known as SACLOS.

The missile contained a small 1.4 kg warhead with a contact fuse and a single-stage solid-rocket motor that accelerated the missile to about 650 m/s. Engagement time to the maximum effective range was about 13 seconds. Response time from the start of the target detection to missile launch is about 6 seconds, which has been repeatedly confirmed in live firing.

Blindfire Radar

Although accurate and simple to use, the original Rapier system clearly suffered from a lack of all-weather capability. To address this need, BAC started work on a separate radar guidance unit, primarily to improve foreign sales. This led to the introduction of the Marconi DN 181 "Blindfire" radar in 1970,[3] the first examples being sold to the Iranian Army in 1973. The British Army did not purchase the Blindfire system until 1979, entering service with Rapier "Field Standard A" (FSA). By 1997 more than 350 Blindfire radars had been produced.

To ensure accuracy, Blindfire used a very narrow "pencil" beam and tracks both the target and missile. To allow the operator to monitor the Blindfire system when it is tracking the target, the existing optical tracker is slaved to the Blindfire radar, although it is possible for the optical tracker to be manually "laid on" a second target whilst the Blindfire engages the first target. The Blindfire trailer carries its own generator unit, and a third Land Rover (a 12v winch equipped 101 FC) - the Tracking Radar Tractor (TRT) - to tow it.

Tracked Rapier

With sales to Iran came the additional requirement for a mobile version of Rapier. BAC responded by adapting the Rapier system to fit on the M548, a cargo-carrier version of the ubiquitous M113 armored personnel carrier. Development started in 1974 as "Tracked Rapier", but had not yet been delivered when the Shah fell from power in 1978. The vehicles were later purchased by the British Army. The first Tracked Rapiers entered service with 11 (Sphinx) Air Defence Battery, of 22 Air Defence Regiment, Royal Artillery in 1982-83 in Napier Barracks near Dortmund.

The conversion was relatively simple; the launch unit was placed on the extreme rear of the cargo platform at the rear of the M548 carrier, and the tracking system placed inside the cabin at the front of the vehicle, projecting through the roof through one of the turret bustles. The optical tracker was operated from the left side of the crew cabin, while on the right were the driver and tactical controller. The crew cabin was quite cramped as a result, with the three crewmembers and all of the equipment stuffed into an area originally intended for two men. From moving to firing takes only 30 seconds, a tremendous improvement over Towed Rapier, which requires as much as half an hour to unlimber. The biggest difference between towed and tracked Rapier was that the tracked Rapier launcher has eight missile beams compared with the four of the towed system. Unfortunately the equipment also greatly slowed the vehicle, with cross-country performance reduced to about 15 km/h.

There was no room for Blindfire on a single M548, so this is instead towed or carried on a separate M548. Feeding data to the control system in the firing unit thus requires more setup time to connect the two vehicles. With less internal hardware, the support vehicle was also tasked with carrying field kits, rations and water.

After initially entering service, the Tracked Rapiers were upgraded several times to follow the upgrades being introduced to all Rapier systems. The latest version included a new helmet-mounted sight that allows the tactical controller to quickly slew the tracker onto the target while standing out of the other roof-mounted turret bustle.

Tracked rapier was retired in the late 1980s as the requirement for anti-air support to keep up with an armoured assault against the Warsaw Pact was defunct. However, the chiefs of staff involved in planning operation Desert Storm (Gulf War I) required anti-air units to accompany the Challenger equipped armoured regiments, and a handful of Tracked Rapiers were bought back from civilian collections and removed from display outside army camps and pressed back into service with the latest Rapier missile systems.

Tracked Rapier has since been replaced by Starstreak missile launchers mounted on the Alvis Stormer.


Shortly after introducing FSA, "Field Standard B" (FSB) added a number of basic upgrades. Additionally, the search radar was upgraded to be easily shut down in case of an anti-radiation missile attack.


With the range of upgrades and new components, the original low-cost Rapier system was gone. In order to address international market requirements for a lower-cost system, BAC started development of the "Rapier Laserfire" in 1982. Laserfire replaced the original optical tracker unit with a new laser illuminating system that is considerably smaller, allowing the entire system to be mounted on a single pallet that could itself be mounted on a truck or other flatbed vehicle.

Initial engagement is similar to the original Rapier, but the target is illuminated and automatically tracked by a high power YAG:Nd laser. After the missile is launched the laser alternately illuminates the target and missile to determine their locations, and guidance is sent to the missile as normal. Laserfire thus represents a fairly major upgrade to the original optical system, allowing semi-automatic engagements, and greatly reducing operator skill and training requirements.

On the downside, Laserfire no longer has the optical system of the original, which served an important second duty by allowing the aircraft to be visually identified at long range. Additionally, while the Laserfire tracking system is capable of being operated at night, target acquisition is optical, like the original Rapier.


In 1985 development started on a new tracker that replaced the original optical system with a new IR thermal imager system to improve its abilities, especially at night. This version was known as "Rapier Darkfire" for this reason. Trials of the new system started in 1987, and were deployed operationally in 1990 as "Field Standard B2" (FSB2), the earlier upgrades retroactively becoming FSB1. This system was also known as "Rapier 90". Cooling for the imager was provided by bottles of compressed gas.

FSB2 also introduced a number of improvements that greatly improved Rapier capabilities. First and foremost was the Tactical Control Console that allowed four Rapier launchers to be controlled from a central location. The launchers themselves were upgraded to carry six missiles instead of four, improving battery capacity. Finally, the search radar was updated to use a new planar array antenna, although its capabilities remained generally the same as the earlier model.

Missile upgrades

In 1988 tests started on an improved warhead using a proximity fuse, in order to give Rapier capability against smaller targets that would be difficult to hit directly, notably high-speed remotely piloted vehicles. Serial production of Mk. 1E began in 1989.

In 1992 the Army signed a contract to upgrade all Rapier systems to a highly performance enhanced version. A Mark 2 missile variant commenced development in 1986 culminating in a complete re-design which entered service in the mid-1990s. Along with a further upgrade of the proximity fuse, the new missile incorporated (then) state-of-art technologies including:

Von Karman supersonic aerodynamic profile; Composite propellant, two-stage shaped burn and laminated body solid rocket motor; Ceramic substrate surface mount PCB's; Completely new electronic systems and software; Both analogue and digital proprietary ASIC's; Highly ECM resistant front end and command link with redundant encoding; Fully Digital Autopilot incorporating Kalman state filtering; Inertial navigation comprising ring-laser roll and rate gyroscope; Kapton ribbon cabling.

The missile warhead is available in two versions, the Mk. 2A for the normal anti-aircraft role, and the Mk. 2B, which includes a shaped charge warhead and dual fuses, useful against light armor as well.

Rapier 2000

In 1992, shortly after the introduction of Rapier 90, another major upgrade series started at MBDA (previously Matra BAe Dynamics). Emerging as "Rapier 2000", or "Field Standard C" (FSC) in British service, the system reached its ultimate form. Development of the FSC system began at the end of the 1980s and the systems first entered service in 1996. There is also an export version of this version, known as Jernas. Malaysia is the first export customer for Jernas.

With the missiles increasingly relying on radar guidance since the introduction of Blindfire, it made sense to upgrade the original search radar to something much more modern. This was supplied by the Alenia Marconi "Dagger",[4] a 3D pulse doppler radar with an integrated Cossor Mark 10 IFF system. Dagger is mounted on its own trailer, so the radome on top of the launcher unit was no longer needed. In its place, a much more modern optical tracking system was added. The new tracker used a Stirling-cycle cooler instead of compressed gas bottles. The use of much smaller electronics greatly reduced stack height of the launcher, allowing an additional two missiles to be added, for a total of eight.

In operation the Rapier 2000 is similar to earlier Blindfire-equipped systems. Targets are acquired visually or through the Dagger radar, and then the Blindfire and optical tracker are slewed onto the target. The optical system can be used solely to track the missile, or it can be used for all guidance, like the original Rapier. In either case the engagement is entirely automatic, with no operator guidance needed. The optical system can also be used as a search system, seeking out IR sources, allowing radar-quiet operation.

Combat history

In April 1982, the original Rapier was deployed during the Falklands War when T Battery of the 12th Regiment Royal Artillery joined 3 Commando Brigade as part of the Falklands Task Force, landing at San Carlos on 21 May. Early post-war reports were favourable, indicating 14 kills and 6 probables.[5] Later analysis was less rosy, indicating as few as four enemy aircraft were downed.[6] Only one Argentine aircraft, a Dagger A of FAA Grupo 6, can be confirmed as a Rapier kill, when Lt Bernhardt's aircraft was destroyed on the 29th May 1982. The pilot was killed. The other three, a A-4B Skyhawk of FAA Grupo 5 on 23 May & two A-4C Skyhawk of FAA Grupo 4 on 24 May and 25 May 1982, were subjected to the full force of the San Carlos Air Defences, with claims going to Sea Wolf, Sea Cat, Blowpipe & Small Arms as well as T Battery.

"Within the total only five Argentine aircraft might have been shot down by Rapier, and, as originally noted by Ethell and Price, only one of these was certain, with two probables and two possibles. Similar discrepancies arose over other weapons systems, notably Blowpipe (one confirmed kill as against nine confirmed and two probables in the White Paper) and Sea Cat (zero to one against eight confirmed and two probables in the White Paper). […] This confirmation that MoD had exaggerated, however unwittingly, the capabilities of Rapier was deemed to be political dynamite. It was observed that if this assessment became publicly known it 'could have a serious adverse effects on sales' prospects for Rapier, which is the staple revenue-earner for BAe's Dynamic Group."[7]

The main problems were a lack of range, and the decision to omit a proximity fuse, an attribute which required the operator to strike the target aircraft directly with the missile. Rapier also suffered with problems with the IFF system.[8] and suffered interference with RN radar.

Potential future replacement

At the DSEi conference in September 2007 it was announced the UK MoD was funding a study by MBDA to investigate a replacement for Rapier which is scheduled to leave service about 2020. The Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM), would share components with the ASRAAM missile in service with the RAF.[9]


An example is on display under cover in a hangar in IWM Duxford.


 United Arab Emirates
 United Kingdom


  1. ^ 36regimentra.org.uk, English Electric Thunderbird Project Details
  2. ^ a b "Rapier 2000/Jernas", Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems, 15 February 2008
  3. ^ Armedforces.co.uk, Blindfire Radar Introduction Details
  4. ^ Army-technology.com Dagger Radar Details on Army Technology
  5. ^ "T Headquarter Battery (Shah Sujah’s Troop) Royal Artillery". http://www.12regtra.com/Regimental_Orbat_flow_chart/Histort_Board/T_BATTERY_HISTORY_TO_12_12_03/t_battery_history_to_12.12.03.HTM. Retrieved 2007-07-05. 
  6. ^ "Much hope was placed in the Rapier air defence system, but technical and logistic difficulties were to dog in throughout the campaign. The Rapier system succeeded in shooting down only four enemy aircraft.""List of Destroyed Argentine Aircraft". http://www.naval-history.net/F64argaircraftlost.htm. Retrieved 2009-06-22. 
  7. ^ Freedman, Sir Lawrence, The Official History of the Falklands Campaign (Abingdon, 2005). Volume II, page 732-735
  8. ^ Navy Command HQ. "Board of Inquiry into the Loss of AAC Gazelle XX37" (PDF). Ministry of Defence. pp. 4. http://www.mod.uk/NR/rdonlyres/EF248AAE-5B25-4CB4-BE90-EE096980354B/0/boi_loss_gazellexx377.pdf. Retrieved 2008-11-19. 
  9. ^ Missiles and Fire Support at DSEi 2007
  10. ^ "SIPRI arms transfer database". Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Information generated in 18 June 2011. http://armstrade.sipri.org/armstrade/page/trade_register.php. Retrieved 18 June 2011. 

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